The portal has been developed to facilitate authorization of Sample Collectors for using the RT-PCR and Rati mobile apps. The sample collectors are associated with Collection Centres in a District. The collection centre details (State, District, Name, Government or Private, Address, Authorised Test) and sample collector details (Name, Mobile number) are entered through District level authorized users. The emails of District level users who can enter Collection Centre and Sample Collectors are available on the portal at
There are 3 kinds of users • Portal User Creators having Administrative role (Read, Write, Create users) • Portal Users with Read and Write Permission (State Noda Officer/ Health Secretary/ Director/ State Surveillance Officers)
• The Portal User Creator is created by ICMR only for the State level Administration and for creating further State/ District level users • State / District users having read / write permission can create Collection Centres and Sample Collectors. They may also view all MIS reports available in the portal
No. This portal is strictly for internal use of the ICMR, State/District level Health officials dealing with Covid19 tests. However, option is there to view Rapid Antibody Test Report, by public, based on OTP authentication only.
The sample collector may • Add Specimen Referral Form (SRF) details of a new patient • Add SRF details of a repeat patient by fetching data from ICMR database based on Patient ID or Mobile Numbers (up to three mobiles) • Save partial SRF form after OTP based verification of patient mobile number, to be completed later • View Incomplete forms and edit/ complete these • View SR Forms which are pending for sync with Server • View SR Forms which have been submitted to ICMR on a particular date • View complete SR Form PDF file on mobile • View complete SR Form PDF from portal at
Yes. You may check the Presentations and User manual at
• State and District level Health officials associated with Covid19 tests • Persons undergoing RATI tests to view test result • Sample collectors of RT-PCR tests to bulk download their SRF forms for a selected date • Collection centres to view whether they are while-listed to get their sample collectors authorized for using RATI and RT-PCR Apps • NIC officers at State/District level to view MIS for technical assistance "
No. You need an email mapped to or domain to get login rights for the portal.
Please deactivate the duplicate or wrong entry.
Please deactivate the sample collector and again enter both sample collectors with different mobile numbers.
Please send your district/ collection centre pin code by Email to group1-hp[at]nic[dot]in
No. You cannot use same mobile number again.
Please check your authorization for a particular mobile app. Ensure that you are rightly mapped to either to RT-PCR or RATI or both mobile apps in portal.
Yes please. Write at for all your queries
Please send an email at
The App will be used by the Authorized Sample collectors whose name/ mobile number have been white listed by State/District authorities on the portal. The sample collector may check their authorization rights by entering their mobile number at
The sample collector may first check whether their Collection Centre is available in the list at If the collection centre is listed, the sample collector may approach head of collection centre to get their mobile number entered in the portal. However, if the collection centre is not listed, the collection centre needs to get in touch with the District level portal users at to get the collection centre and sample collectors entered in the portal for using RT-PCR app.
The RT-PCR App is available for both Android (Android version 5.0 onwards) and Apple (iOS version 11.0 onwards) Smart phones.
The App may be downloaded directly from the Google Play or Apple App Store and from the portal home page
An authorized sample collector may download the app and open it. The App asks for acceptance of terms and conditions. After acceptance of terms and conditions, enter your authorized mobile number. You will get an OTP for confirmation of mobile number. If the OTP is correct, you are shown your name, collection centre etc. Verify these and you may start using the App.
"The sample collector may • Add Specimen Referral Form (SRF) details of a new patient • Add SRF details of a repeat patient by fetching data from ICMR database based on Patient ID or Mobile Numbers (up to three mobiles) • Save partial SRF form after OTP based verification of patient mobile number, to be completed later • View Incomplete forms and edit/ complete these • View SR Forms which are pending for sync with Server • View SR Forms which have been submitted to ICMR on a particular date • View complete SR Form PDF file on mobile • View complete SR Form PDF from portal at "
You may visit the portal and download all SRF PDFs for a date from
You may have been de-activated. Please recheck on portal if you are still authorized or not in the portal
The Mobile phone number of family member’s may be used to verify it
Kindly wait before pressing resend button. OTP remains valid for a long time (30 minutes). However, if you press Resend button, new OTP will have to be used.
The location access must be allowed for RT-PCR app as the geo-location of the patient is being captured automatically in the App during verification of patient mobile number.
All your incomplete SR Forms will be available.
You must NOT share your mobile number on any other device. It is a security threat and you will face data inconsistency for your SR Forms.
You will need Internet connectivity during verification of Patient’s mobile number. After verification, you may work offline. But your SR Forms will not be sent to server till you enable Internet connectivity and transfer data. These forms will be available under Pending for Sync option.
Please click on Change State button in App to change State/ District of patient.
You may enter 1 year. The App accepts value in months only if the age is less than 12 months (1 to 11 months can be entered. 0 is not accepted in month).
Please enter label ID of the specific specimen. It is not the SRF Id.
Please send an email to
Please check with your Laboratory.
Aadhaar field is not mandatory. You may either enter correct Aadhaar number or leave it blank. App doesn’t accept wrong Aadhaar number.
Please use multiple mobile numbers (up to 3 mobile numbers) for better searching.
Yes. An SMS goes to the verified mobile of patient to view SRF form in PDF format.
No. The location coordinates are captured through the smart phone.
Presently, Collection centre can only view whether their Centre is listed for entry of sample collectors. In future, if they get their In-charge Name, Email and Mobil number entered in the portal, they may view date wise samples collected by different sample collectors of their Centre. They may also get their collection centre added through respective District Portal user for using RT-PCR and Rati mobile apps by their sample collectors. However, they can’t use any mobile App themselves.
Please get your new mobile number entered in the Portal through your Collection centre and District level authorized use. The earlier lost number will be de-activated in portal.
Please check if you are able to access portal. If you are able to access this portal, then you may check if you are using updated version of Rati or RT-PCR App. If not, please update your App version from links provide at However, if you are unable to access the portal, please disable your data connectivity on your phone and enable it again. Normally, the problem will be resolved. If not, kindly contact your ISP (Mobile service provider) and inform about connectivity issue.
Please update the mobile App. If you are using updated version, please disable your Internet (data) connectivity on phone and enable it again. It should solve the problem.
Please check if you are able to access portal. If you are able to access this portal, then you may check if you are using updated version of RT-PCR App. However, if you are unable to access the portal, please disable your data connectivity on your phone and enable it again. Normally, the problem will be resolved. If not, kindly contact your ISP (Mobile service provider) and inform about connectivity issue.
Please disable and enable your phone's data connectivity through Settings. The issue is normally related to only IPv6 address being allotted to your phone by your mobile service provider or Internet service provider. If this doesn't work, please inform your mobile data service provider.
Patient mobile number is mandatory and sample collector must enter the correct mobile of Patient. However, OTP verification can be skipped. This has been done to enable offline entry of patient SRF form by sample collector after taking sample, away from the patient.
ICMR Labs can download the details of all SRF forms, which have been marked to be sent to these ICMR authorized labs for sample testing through RT-PCR app. The Lab Incharge may check their registered mobile from the portal at and use that mobile number to get OTP to generate the date wise SRFs destined for the particular Lab from .
Please visit and check the marque running above Login section. The App may have been revised or some other reported issue and its resolution could be listed there or some maintenance activity could be going on. You may also send email at to resolve your issue.
Please check if it is incomplete or draft or deleted record. You may ask the Collection Centre to download data from portal and check the status of particular SRF ID in the excel sheet.
Kindly check the link to see whether your lab or collection centre is already listed under the State/District. If yes, you may check at for your State/District and send an eMail to the listed Email for creating your Collection Centre/ and or Sample Collectors.
The sample collector may just note the name and mobile number of patient either in the App or on paper and fill up other details, away from the patient.
RT-PCR App does not force the Sample Collector to be exposed to suspect case at all. They may fill it at later stage, provided they are sure of mobile authenticity and/or verify mobile initially. Only location coordinates will not be captured. Alternatively, they may complete name, mobile and either verify OTP or Skip OTP to generate SRF ID with correct mobile and Lat/Long.
The registration of collection centres and their phlebotomist (sample collectors) is done by respective state/district officials. List of these officials is available at portal. Representatives of collection centre/ private labs can contact the respective state/district officials for registration/whitelisting .
RT-PCR App needs minimal connectivity with record completion in 1 to 2 minutes. When the sample collector, feeds the name of the person and his mobile and clicks Confirm OTP/Skip OTP to generate the SRF ID number, so that this form could be filled at later point away from the covid suspect.
App is based on SRF Version 11 Form including all the fields/information, as finalised by ICMR. Data entry of SRF Version 11 in RT-PCR is feasible in 1 to 2 minutes time.
Please check version of your RT-PCR app. It should be latest and can be updated from links available on You may also check from the home page of portal if any new App update has been released.
Please check from Google Play Store or Apple App Store, the latest version number is given there.
It is possible that you have saved the form locally on your App after Patient Mobile OTP verification/ Skip Verification State and not completed it. Or you may have completed the SRF form but saved locally and not submitted it to the Server. Please check in your saved/ incomplete forms and submit the form after completing these. Now, the ICMR authorized Labs will get to know the status of such SRFs.
You may visit the portal and click SRF Download option on home page After your mobile based OTP authentication, you can download Excel data. Such incomplete/ saved/ deleted SRFs will appear in the end of the Excel sheet downloaded by you.
1. Inclusion of Rapid Antigen Test in addition to RT-PCR. Provision to add result for RAT type. 2. Changes in Patient Category. 3. Division of patients into Hospitalised and Community patients 4. Capturing the mode of travel used to reach the testing facility.
1. New fields like Is patient in Quarantine facility? Quarantine at Home/Facility? These were introduced and are being withdrawn in new SRF. 2. Patient Village/Town is now being removed 3. Passport made mandatory for foreign nation 4 .Referring doctor details are being removed 5. Result in case of RAT being included 5. Result in case of RAT being included
The portal user can now login into the system with existing credential and OTP on their registered mobile number by pressing on green login button.
The NIC PARICHAY is the simplified and safe mode of user authentication. The COVID19CC portal has been integrated with PARICHAY for Single Sign On (SSO).
You can submit your online request to map new or update the existing mobile at
You will get an OTP only on a registered mobile number corresponding to your user name. In case of a mismatch or new number, you can raise your request online on portal.
Updated RT-PCR Mobile App version now also capture Covid-19 Vaccine details . If patient has received vaccine, need to tell the type of vaccine received and date of first dose (mandatory) and second dose (if already administered) . Sample Collectors may please update.
Due to high number of daily test during day time users are advised to download the bulk data after 6 PM.